Katie and Mike are super close to my heart, as Katie and I have been friends for what feels like forever. What started out as two friends meeting up at a Jeep community meet-up that our parents were a part of, chasing tiny tree frogs down the bike path to collect them and show our parents our prized possessions, to spending nights at each other's houses gossiping about boys and eating Nacho Cheese Doritos with Whipped Cream (don't judge - It was GOOD!) and drinking mountain dew at 2 am - Katie has always been a constant in my life. While we may have drifted apart occasionally, we always find our way back to one another.

I honestly can't remember when Mike came into her life - It feels like it's always been "Katie and Mike" - Mike has always been a big part of Katie. We've gone on double dates to restaurants, and even double-dated to their proposal at Starved Rock, where Rob (my hubby) blocked the path to an overlook at Starved Rock so Mike could finally propose to the girl of his dreams. To say she was surprised was an understatement!

About a year after they got engaged, they had to put wedding planning on hold because all of a sudden, there was a new priority. Baby Nicky! He has been such a blessing to Katie and Mike, and getting to watch them be parents to this happy little guy makes my heart so dang happy.

When it came time to plan for their wedding, Katie decided she wanted to do a small wedding with just close friends and family. And while she wanted Rob and I there as guests (again, we've all become pretty good friends), she also wanted me to capture her day since I've been there since day one with their love story.

Capturing their love story from the very beginning has felt like a treasure to me - I have loved being able to stand alongside her and hear her tell me about the newest thing Mike did (which is usually something silly and dumb, which is what makes Katie smile the most).

Katie - I have so many things I could say to you - but I'll save that for another day. Just know that I am so incredibly happy you've found your person - and I cherish our friendship more than you'll probably know.

Mike - Thank you for loving Katie the way you do, and taking care of her and Nicky. You're the perfect guy for her.

I love you both!