A couple of weeks ago, we talked about taking the first step into planning your wedding. We went over different things to keep in mind when choosing your wedding venue, and how to determine what it is you really want included in your day. In case you missed it, here's the link!

Once you've got your wedding venue set, it's time to choose your wedding photographer. While there are quite a few photographers you can choose from, it's important that you take time researching your photographers. It's also important to sit down with your partner and discuss the "must-haves" for a wedding photographer. How many hours of coverage are you going to want? Do you want more candid-style photos, or posed photos? You also have to take into consideration the photographer's artistic style. Do you like light and airy, or do you prefer a dark and moody photographer? Or, something in between, that's more true-to-life?

I highly recommend you have all those preferences set in stone before you begin your hunt - as soon as you type in "wedding photographer near me" you'll be swarmed with SO many photographers in the area. To help you weed through the photographers that aren't who you're looking for, I've taken a little bit of time to provide both professional and personable opinions on searching for your perfect photographer.


I think above all - you'll want to spend time focusing on what style you want your photographer to have. There's been so many stories I've read and heard first hand of couples who hired their wedding photographer because they were the first photographer they met with that was within their budget, and they were overwhelmed with all of he different options for photographers in the area. When I tell you the style will matter - IT WILL MATTER. You might not think it will now, but try to imagine yourself 10 years from now. Will you be happy with the style of photography your wedding photographer captured? Or do you think you'll regret it? If it's the latter, you may want to consider booking a different photographer.

One of the major pluses about wedding photography being a saturated market is you're able to find all different ranges of prices. You'll be able to be picky about who you want, while still being mindful of your budget.


When you meet your photographer during your consultation (I always recommend meeting in person if possible, otherwise I will do a video call!), keep in mind that you want to watch how the photographer interacts with you. Are you able to relate to what they are telling you? Are you able to give your continuous attention, without being distracted? Could you see this person being apart of your friend group? These are all questions I recommend taking into consideration when looking to hire your wedding photographer. They are going to be with you for the majority of the day - sometimes you'll spend more time with your photographer than you will with your spouse! You want to ensure that you will be able to get along well with them, and that your confident they know what they're doing. You want your wedding photographer to greet you on the day of your wedding and it feel like welcoming a friend, not another vendor.


I personally show all potential clients of mine a full wedding gallery. This helps me provide other examples of my work that they might not see otherwise. I don't post large family photos on social media, or use those images for marketing - yet, if you're booking me as your wedding photographer, you'd want to trust that I could take a picture of the whole family without any issues.

I frequently hear about how couples would inquire with a wedding photographer because their website and social media pages were stunning. They end up booking that photographer, and then at the end of their experience, when they get the wedding photos back - they learn that this photographer really lacked good qualiy reception dancing shots. Or all of the family portraits were cropped weird, making Aunt Sally look like she was missing half of her foot. Asking to view a full gallery is completely acceptable - and if a photographer turns down your request, you don't want to book that photographer anyways.


One of the biggest things I like to walk through with any potential booking couple is their experience with me. I go over from begininng to end what they can expect from me when they book, that way - there's not a surprise when I don't reach out 16 months before the wedding. My couples know most of the wedding planning will start around 6-12 months before the wedding, depending on what's included in their package. Knowing what to expect from your wedding photographer helps clear the questions of when you can expect galleries to be delivered, what their response time is, and other time sensitive information that will help make your wedding day flow flawlessly.

In summary, your wedding photographer should be knowledgeable in their art; their work should be consistent, so you know what to expect. You also want someone that will more than likely grow into a friend, because you'll be with them for 8-10 hours on your wedding day. When thinking of how to budget for your wedding photographer, I recommend setting your budget before you begin your search for a photographer because otherwise you may get overwhelmed and sucked into the plethera of wedding photographers, and forget about your budget completely.